NAVIGATION: encoder > X8_(Option_Channel3) > SSI_module > Scan cycle SSI information

Scan cycle SSI information


Where the SSI information is scanned at equidistant time intervals it is possible to synchronize the control cycle of the ServoOne to the scan cycle. The synchronization is executed to the first clock edge of a transfer. When using synchronized mode, it is important that the read cycle of the PLC is an integer multiple of the speed control cycle. Synchronized scanning ensures that actual position values polled at the equidistant time intervals can be transferred to the higher-level PLC. If multiple synchronized ServoOne units are scanned simultaneously, all actual position values are generated at the same time. Synchronization is enabled by way of parameter P 2808 TOPT_SSI_SyncUse. Parameter P 2809 TOPT_SSI_InSync displays the synchronization status.